American Heritage Museum Ride - Hudson, MA

Event date: 
Sat, 07/23/2022 - 8:45am


This is a "Cannons, Tanks & Motorcycles" Ride Series stop you won't want to miss.

We are riding to the American Heritage Museum outside of Boston, in Hudson, MA

At this 66,000 sq ft museum, "you explore America’s conflicts, beginning with the Revolutionary War to today.  You’ll discover, and interact with, our heritage through the History, the national effort developing new technologies of warfare, and the Human Impact of America’s fight to preserve the freedom we all hold dear."

The Museum opened in 2018 and holds a massive collection of tanks, armored vehicles and military artifacts, it has over 15 tanks and artifacts that are the only ones on display in North America.

It takes an average of two hours to go through the museum.

There is a special event going on the day of our visit - The Battle of Bunker Hill Revolutionary War Re-enactment will be taking place at 1:30PM with living history camps open to view.  The historic aircraft hangar and classic car barn will be open during this event (not typically open to the public).  

Since this is a special event, admission is $30 per person ($25 for Veterans).

After the museum, we will go to the Horseshoe Pub & Restaurant in Hudson, MA for lunch. 

Meet:  8:30AM  Dunkin / Mobil 999 Main Street Southbury, CT  

KSU:  8:45AM

Leader: Jeff L

This will be an all-highway ride, approx 125 miles each way, with a rest stop about an hour in on the way up & back.  Bring EZ-Pass.

Click here for American Heritage Museum

Click here for restaurant info

Event location:
568 Main St
Hudson MA 01749

Closed Event: Chapter activities are conducted primarily for the benefit of H.O.G. Chapter members. Closed Events are those events open to Chapter members and one guest per member.  All guests must sign an event release. Be aware, all rides and events are subject to change or cancellation due to weather or other circumstances beyond our control.