Chapter Member Dinner Ride/Drive

Event date: 
Wed, 08/18/2021 - 6:30pm


Monthly Chapter Member Dinner

Join us, it's "Ride or Drive", at Hoodoo Brown BBQ in Ridgefield, a super-popular barbecue joint.

Meet there at 6:30PM OR, if you're riding with the group, Ernie F is leading from the dealership:

Meet: 5:45PM

KSU:  6:00PM

Leader:  Ernie F

RSVP by Monday eve, August 16th & let us know if spouse/significant other is attending with you

Rain or Shine, we have a table booked inside. 

Please Note:  Chapter Dinners are for Members & Significant Others/Spouses only so we can accommodate as many Members as possible.  Thank you!

Event location:
967 Ethan Allen Highway (Rt 7)
Hoodoo Brown BBQ
Ridgefield CT 06877

Closed Event: Chapter activities are conducted primarily for the benefit of H.O.G. Chapter members. Closed Events are those events open to Chapter members and one guest per member.